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Cũ 12-06-2012, 10:40 AM
johnhuynh426 johnhuynh426 đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
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Mặc định Thomas Canty

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Fantasy Art by Thomas Canty
69 JPG | ~750x1000 | 17,5 Mb

Thomas Canty is an award-winning illustrator and book designer in the field of fantasy literature, credited with pioneering a "New Romantic" style of painting, influenced by such 19th century artists as Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt, and the Pre-Raphaelites. His paintings are featured each year on the cover of the award-winning Year's Best Fantasy and Horror volumes, as well as on numerous other books in the fantasy field and beyond, including: Michael Moorcock's Elric series and Louise Cooper's Time Master and Indigo series.
He has worked an as art director and designer for Donald M. Grant Publisher, and collaborated on many projects with editor/author Terri Windling, such as the Fairy Tales series (Ace Books and Tor Books) and the Snow White, Blood Red series (Avon). Canty has won two World Fantasy Awards, among other honors. His work has been exhibited at the Society of Illustrators gallery in New York, as well as in museums and galleries across the United States. He is a member of The Endicott Studio.

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